I am an Associate Professor of Biology and member of the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology at NYU. I did my Ph.D. on Cell and Developmental Biology at University College London, UK after studying Biology in Chile. Prior to joining the faculty at NYU, I was an independent research fellow at the Computational and Systems Biology Program at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
My main interest is to understand how cells are able to organize themselves to form multicellular structures and to coordinate in collective processes. Multicellular organization has critical consequences in physiological events such embryonic development but it is also critical in cancer and other diseases. Our work suggests that a large part of this organization emerges from social and ecological interactions between cells. My current research focuses on how metabolites -nutrients and waste products of cellular activity- mediates these interactions during tumor progression, collective cell migration and stem cell differentiation.
Associate Professor
Center for Genomics & Systems Biology
Department of Biology
New York University
100 Washington Square East
750 Brown Building
New York, NY 10003
email: carlos.carmona-fontaine@nyu.edu
Carmofon Lab
© Carlos Carmona-Fontaine 2017-2025