Please note that this page is rendering the .stl files so it may load be a bit slow. Find here links to our 3D printed stuff. You can download .stl files which should be compatible with most, if not all printers. You can rotate and move the previews to see what they are. They are all free for academic use.
More to come!
[vrm360 canvas_name = memic model_url= aspect_ratio=1.33333 mesh_color = #666666]
You can move, rotate, and zoom the object with your mouse.
[vrm360 canvas_name=TubeHolder model_url= aspect_ratio=2 initial_offset = 2 autostart = true ground=true mesh_color = #333333]
Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple holder for the 15 and 50mL falcon tubes that you are using right now?
Find more info and .stl files here.
You can move, rotate, and zoom the object with your mouse.
[vrm360 canvas_name=10Tuber model_url= aspect_ratio=2 initial_offset = 1 ground=true mesh_color = #333366]
A nice way to store the 10 50mL falcon tubes you will get after aliquoting a 500mL bottle of media or anything else... also if you print two of these rack they make a square that saves space!
Find more info and .stl files here.
You can move, rotate, and zoom the object with your mouse.
[canvasio3D objPath="Mini 12 well plate" width="520" height="520" objScale="1.0" lightSet="1" border="2" objColor="#000000" backCol="#efefef" dropShadow="5" reflection="shine2" refVal="5" Mouse="on"][/canvasio3D]
More info and files coming very soon...
You can move, rotate, and zoom the object with your mouse.
[canvasio3D objPath="Thin 96 Glass Tube Holder" width="520" height="520" objScale="0.350" lightSet="1" Mouse="on" border="2" objColor="#00ff00" backCol="#efefef" dropShadow="5" reflection="shine2" refVal="5"][/canvasio3D]
More info and files coming very soon...
Carmofon Lab
© Carlos Carmona-Fontaine 2017-2025